Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our trip to Pescia Italy begins....through the German, Austrian, and Italian Alps

Neil had to attend the 2nd International Congress on the Genus Lilium, sponsored by the International Society for Horticultural Science, in Pescia Italy during August.  We decided to drive to the congress, located in Pescia, Italy, since it was a mere ~1,050 km away (only 10-12 hours by car). Join us for the adventure!

We drove southwest from Ceske Budejovice, through Ceske Krumlov, across the border into Austria. From there we went through Linz and Salzburg. Then through the southern portion of Germany on the Autobahn, back into Austria on the Austrian Autobahn, progressing from the Germany Alps and into the Austrian Alps. Within 6 hours we were in Innsbruck Austria; it was late afternoon and the city was aglow with far red beauty and the snow-covered Alps rising in the background. Stunning landscapes!

Neither of us had ever dreamed we'd be standing here overlooking the city of Innsbruck!

From here, we drove southward through the Alps...around every bend would be another gorgeous set of mountains. Neil would keep saying to Mark....take another picture....look!

On and on we went. We went through a total of 29 tunnels on the trip (one way).

Finally, we entered Italy on the Italian Autobahn (faster drivers than the Germans, by far!). Moving southward through the northern Italian Alps, the scenery started to change noticeably, i.e. it was getting warmer! The snow and glaciers gave way to the Dolomites...gorgeous Alps of dolomitic limestone. The white is not snow!

The architecture changed as well. The Austrian chalets, so typical of our vision of the Alps and Heidi, gave way to more Romanesque castles and towns.

Disclaimer: This blog is not an official University of Minnesota or Fulbright Program blog. The views expressed are my own and not those of the Fulbright Program, the U.S. Department of State or any of its partner organizations, or the University of Minnesota.

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